Back in April 2016, during the inaugural Comms Connect NZ held in Wellington, Peter gave a presentation looking at the emerging phenomenon of edge computing and how it might shape the transition from legacy 2G to future 5G mission-critical communications solutions.
As FirstNet operator, AT&T inks important deals with Microsoft, IBM and other webscale cloud providers to consolidate data centre and public cloud & build out elastic, cloud-native, software-defined, increasingly ubiquitous 5G-ready infrastructures and as bureaucratic, monolithic, increasingly obsolete programmes such as UK Home Office’s ESN continue to flounder, it’s becoming clear that future 5G solutions must be mission-critical by design, just as Quixoticity has been espousing since its inception back in 2012.
This presentation will take a closer look at the very latest trends of end-to-end virtualisation, orchestration & automation of mission-critical networks all the way to the edge, including a number of both positive and negative case studies, current initiatives and a full update of Quixoticity Index 2019, looking at best practice & where our industry and community is heading as a new decade beckons.
One thing is certain as we head towards 2020s: critical communications will never quite be the same again!
Peter Clemons – Chief Designer, Quixoticity Index/Global Advisor, Genaker